How Long Does It Take to Learn How to Use WordPress? (2023)

If you’ve never used WordPress before, you may be wondering how long it takes to learn how to use WordPress. That is the topic of this article, so keep reading.

WordPress powers almost 40 percent of the Worldwide Web, from hobby blogs to the world’s largest news sites.

It is by far the most popular Content Management System (CMS), and it can be customized and extended for every use case thanks to the WordPress library’s hundreds of themes and plugins.

WordPress Brief Introduction

WordPress Dashboard

WordPress ( is a Content Management System (CMS) for creating and managing websites. Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little built the first version in 2003 as an alternate version of a program called b2.

WordPress is run by a vast group of volunteer programmers and designers. As a result, WordPress has changed over time, with each version introducing new features and capabilities.

WordPress was originally intended for blogs, but it is now appropriate for various types of websites. In fact, it is responsible for up to 40% of all websites on the internet.

It may be used to develop business websites, online portfolios, e-commerce stores, and many other types of web platforms.

Is It Hard to Learn WordPress?

Yes, WordPress is simple to master if you simply intend to use it for a small and personal blog. WordPress is as simple to use as a word processor, so mastering its point-and-click interface is a simple question of practice. Understanding WordPress principles will not take you long.

And as you learn more about WordPress, you’ll notice that it evolves and grows alongside you, allowing you to learn as much as you want.

You can understand the fundamentals of WordPress and have your website up and operating in no time if you have a little patience.

But what if you need to be a WordPress developer? Becoming a WordPress developer necessitates a far larger skill set.

How Long Does It Take to Learn WordPress From Scratch?

Here is what I got from my deep research on how long it takes to learn WordPress to be a simple blog owner on WordPress and to be an expert developer.

For WordPress Beginners

Beginners should set aside 10 hours or less. This requires launching a basic website. WordPress has an easy-to-use interface and plugins that fill any missing capabilities. Basic users can upload blog posts, install plugins, and make small modifications to the website.

To be a Beginning WordPress Developer

According to most WordPress experts, you’ll need 6 to 12 months of hands-on experience to be an entry-level WordPress developer.

These users are well-versed in plugins such as several Google Analytics programs and have some basic coding knowledge to make changes to the website.

To Become a Proficient WordPress Developer

Expert WordPress developers require two years of experience in addition to ongoing education. This developer is familiar with both the front end and back end of WordPress and is proficient in programming.

They can handle everything from site migrations to bug fixes to e-commerce improvements.

Can a Beginner Use WordPress?

WordPress is suitable for newbies in many situations. It is a versatile and open-source CMS (Content Management System) that allows users of various skill levels to easily develop websites.

You can’t go wrong with WordPress if you’re a blogger, online seller, or simply need a website for your business. As I previously stated, learning the fundamentals of WordPress takes 10 hours or less.

If you want to make a simple website or blog and are okay with using existing layouts, the procedure becomes a lot simpler and less intimidating. Simply install a pre-designed theme or template and edit your content.

Does WordPress Require Coding?

WordPress is meant to handle all of the underlying codings for the user, so you don’t need to know how to code to use it.

All you need is a basic understanding of website design and writing decent content, and you can use Plugins to achieve certain things without having to use code.

Making websites is a lot easier to do now than it was a few years ago. You no longer need to know how to code. However, if you continue and construct websites with WordPress, you will pick up some coding abilities along the road.

Having some coding expertise will also allow you to perform more things on your website without having to rely on plugins, which waste resources and slow down a site.

You can even further personalize the look of your site if you master HTML and CSS coding, though this is not required if you do not like to.

Is It Better to Use WordPress or HTML?

The main contrast between HTML and WordPress is that HTML is used to code website pages, whereas WordPress is used to create website pages. HTML is for web developers, but WordPress is for users with no coding skills.

WordPress or HTML

As a result, a website is created with both HTML and WordPress. A static HTML or static website is one that is created entirely with HTML, without the use of CSS or JavaScript.

WordPress, by the way, employs HTML as a front-end markup language. It is the fundamental building block of WordPress and other CMSs.

Static HTML websites are more difficult to create unless you are a developer or rely on HTML templates available online. It is advantageous if you know how to code in HTML and CSS.

However, when it comes to usability, WordPress has an advantage, particularly for individuals who are new to site creation. You can quickly establish a website by installing WordPress and browsing the theme library.

What are WordPress’s Advantages and Disadvantages

We adore WordPress, which is why it’s our preferred platform for developing company websites; However, there are a few potential negatives to choosing WordPress to create a website. But don’t worry, the benefits far outweigh the minor drawbacks.

Read the list below for a complete list of all WordPress benefits and downsides.

Why Should You Use WordPress? (Advantages)

  • WordPress is rather simple to get started with, especially if you choose a third-party host that offers one-click installation. In that scenario, you’ll be directed through the setup process, such as naming your site, choosing a starting theme, and so on.
  • WordPress is easy to use. This is most likely why it is one of the most widely used website builders. Website owners can edit and maintain their own websites with little technical experience on strait forward dashboard.
  • Another benefit of WordPress is that it is incredibly SEO-friendly. Any WordPress website you create will be more easily indexed by search engines and will rank higher.
  • All sites are managed from the same dashboard by a single Super Admin user.
  • Only the Super Admin can install and alter plugins and themes; the site administrator cannot. This gives you more control and avoids disagreements by centralizing control.
  • Themes and plugins must be installed only once and then activated across the entire network. You also just run the upgrade process once.
WordPress Dashboard Plugins Area
  • Store all site data in a single backup; there is no need to back up each site separately.
  • Since each WordPress installation consumes a significant amount of server resources, adopting a Multisite installation saves resources (and money), and the optimization process can be less difficult.
  • WordPress has a big community surrounding it, making it quite simple to obtain answers and assistance. There are innumerable blogs and forums with thousands of readers and members that address WordPress development in general.

Why Should You Not Use WordPress? (Disadvantages)

For sure, a quick and inexpensive CMS is great, but what opportunities does it offer?

Even if you can establish a website by changing a free or premium theme, obtaining the necessary functionality through plugins and modules, and preparing a resource for promotion, such projects deserve less attention than individual site development.

The following are the key disadvantages of WordPress-powered websites:

  • While WordPress is simple to use and manage, there is a little learning curve to getting started. It will not be difficult for you, but it may take some time to adjust to everything.
  • Security is a big concern for WordPress websites. Too many website owners fail to update their WordPress websites and plugins on a regular basis, which can lead to security flaws that hackers can exploit.
  • Many themes and plugins are free, but if you want a fully customized site, you’ll have to pay. Premium themes and plugins can be quite pricey.
  • WordPress does not have its own support team. When it comes to problem-solving and troubleshooting, you are mostly left to your own devices. Yes, there are numerous forums and blogs with wonderful knowledge, but it is up to you to apply it step by step or pay a developer.

Is It Worth Learning WordPress In 2023?

Yes, it is worthwhile in 2023; WordPress is far more popular now than it was a few years ago, powering about half of all websites on the planet.

Every year, the number of WordPress users grows, and management constantly upgrades new versions to provide the most excellent option for WordPress users.

So if you’re thinking to develop your website in 2023, yes, you can learn and start on WordPress makes it simple for you and is less expensive than alternative website developer platforms.

Conclusion & Final Words

When I conclude this article, WordPress does open big opportunities for people who lack skills and advanced knowledge in website development or design. Nowadays anyone can own a website and make business on the internet.

But assume that WordPress or all other web development platforms are accessed only by coding experts. In my thought, the number of websites in the world may be decreased by 75% (that is my thought).

So you’re thinking to develop a website with WordPress right? If so that is very recommended especially if you’re a beginner.

And as I said before “How long does it take to learn how to use WordPress”, that’s no problem to start developing and designing your site then you will learn everything step by step in the process.

Firaol Birhanu
Firaol Birhanu

I am Firaol Birhanu, owner of the Fira All Reviews blog. I am a part-time online marketer and have been working on online marketing since 2017. The Fira All Reviews blog provides you with a valuable and relevant source of information on career opportunities, online business, as well as reviews on digital products, software, and online services.

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